Here, we help build technologies to help Humans reach from HUMAN 1.0 to HUMAN 2.0 .
It's obviously a slow and gradual process but we take you there eventually by
building intermediate technologies and social engineering required for the transition into a superwell, super abled and Immortal society.


Immortality and Amortaility (which is never being able to die of ageing or disease) - Want to explore all the possibilities of how one can achieve Immortality through Technology and when it's possible and what we need to prepare for? Dreamt of Age Reversal, bringing people back to life from memories of the living and several such possibilities?

Check this section for our startups on Immortality


It's everybodies dream to be stronger, more intelligent with extra skill sets to be able to use them for sheer fun or exploration. We have evolved to a state where we can alter our bodies through Technology. We've seen them in the superhero culture. It's up to us to slowly plan and build what's necessary

Check this section for our startups on Super Abilities

Super Wellbeing

Imagine with the same technologies, we could end human suffering once and for all. Imagine being able to solve hunger, poverty, slavery, healthcare, travel and what not. Most of all, Imagine genetically altering yourself to be emotionally strong, content and mostly happy eliminating sadness, depression, addiction and lots of harmful human emotions to our requirement. Imagine tweaking our brains to mimic or respond to the emotions we want through some Brain Computer Interface. Possibilities are endless.

Check this section for our startups on Super Wellbeing


This will give you a brief insight and introduce you to Transhumanism.

Support us! Join us! Help us help you become Transhuman.